Fact-Checking Policy

a) At Moneymandal, our commitment is to uphold the highest standards of accuracy in all our content. To ensure this, we approach information with a healthy dose of skepticism, challenge assumptions, and question conventional wisdom.

b) Our dedication to due accuracy is foundational to our reputation and the trust bestowed upon us by our audiences. The term ‘due’ signifies that accuracy must be not only adequate but also appropriate, considering the subject and nature of the content. We explicitly highlight any constraints that might influence this expectation.

c) All our content, tailored to its nature, is meticulously sourced, grounded in available evidence, and corroborated. We strive for transparency by openly acknowledging what we do not know and steering clear of unfounded speculation.

d) Our journalists never engage in deliberate plagiarism or distortion of facts or context, including visual information.

e) Independent verification from reliable sources is sought to confirm claims, information, and allegations, particularly those originating from public officials or individuals with agendas beyond objective reporting. Unsubstantiated content is normally attributed.

f) We stand by the accuracy of the information we publish. If proven otherwise, we promptly amend the news item or information. We do not knowingly mislead our audiences and take immediate corrective action in acknowledging and rectifying serious factual errors.

g) We provide the public with a fair opportunity to report inaccuracies or errors through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of each web story.

h) Our journalists’ primary responsibilities include reporting, writing, and fact-checking, with stories subject to review by one or more editors. The level of editorial review varies based on factors such as complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

Correction Policies: While striving for excellence, we acknowledge the inevitability of occasional errors. When errors occur, Moneymandal takes responsibility for correction and maintains transparency to ensure confidence among all parties that incorrect information is rectified.

Steps for Achieving Accuracy, Transparency, and Excellence:

READERS: If a reader identifies an error, they should contact the editor-in-chief, Emilee Wentland, immediately via email, phone, mail, or in person.

Email: contact@moneymandal.com Or help@moneymandal.com

Subject: Correction Needed

Correction submissions are official only when made directly to the editor-in-chief. Corrections sent to other staff members may not be promptly addressed.

Correction submissions should include the correction, issue date or number, where the error was observed (print, online, etc.), the reader’s name, and contact information. Readers are encouraged to provide correct information and sources, if applicable.

A response from the editor-in-chief can be expected, and further contact may occur for clarification or additional information. Note that a correction submission guarantees investigation but not necessarily issuance of a correction.

THE MONEYMANDAL: Once the editor-in-chief is informed of an error, an investigation is conducted using information from the reader, meeting minutes, reporter’s recordings, and other available sources.

If an error is confirmed, corrections are issued in all forms where the incorrect information was disseminated:

PRINT: Corrections are printed on page 2A in the next issue. Details include the issue, article, incorrect information, and correction.

MONEYMANDAL.COM: The article is corrected, and an editor’s note is added at the article’s bottom, explaining the error and when the correction was made.

SOCIAL MEDIA: If the article was shared on platforms controlled by Moneymandal, a post linking to the corrected article, with a note about the correction, is made.

Upon correction, the editor-in-chief contacts the reader, providing information about the steps taken.

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